Royal Chapel: 16th century - tombs of Monarchs Isabel, Fernando, Juan & Felipe - Gran Vía
Designs for the Royal Chapel began in 1504 and it was built between 1505 and 1521 by Enrique Egas. It was commissioned by the Catholic Monarchs for their burial site. As both Queen Isabel and King Fernando died before the Royal Chapel was finished, they were first buried in the Friary of San Francisco in the Alhambra. They were then later moved to the Chapel once it had been completed, and buried alongside King Felipe and Queen Juana (known more commonly as Juana la Loca - Juana the Mad). Although their original idea was for all future Spanish Kings and Queens to be buried here, this did not happen as the monastery in El Escorial was used instead. The tombs were carved out of marble by the Tuscan sculptor Domenico Fancelli.
This was the last gothic church to be built in Spain as Isabel and Fernando did not like the new renaissance style of the time.
Four buildings now stand on the site where the Main Mosque used to stand: the Royal Chapel, the Cathedral, the Merchants' Exchange, and the Church of the Sagrario. The only thing left today of the Mosque is a well outside the chapel and it was here that ablutions were perfomed before entering.
The altarpiece consists of four painted wooden panels showing the Conquest of Granada, one of which shows Moors being baptised. On either side of the altar there are the two praying statues of Isabel and Fernando. The chapel also houses Isabel's art collection.